Lab Submissions: Step by Step April 2016

To Prepare for submission there are 4 simple steps.
Step 1 – Choose your MENTOR  Note:  There is normally a small charge for Mentor’s time but for this Lab(April 2016) Mentor’s time is FREE
Step 2 – Move into the WORKSHOP
Step 3 – Develop your DRAMATIC WORLD, review with your Mentor and make any changes they suggest
Step 4 – Ask your Mentor to APPROVE and then SUBMIT your Dramatic World

The Mentor’s approval of your dramatic world will automatically identify your work as ready for the Companies to look at

To help you there is a quick summary below outlining how each of these steps works

Choosing Your MENTOR

When you are ready to talk to a mentor:

Hire a mentor imageClick on Hire a Mentor in the left hand menu   This will bring you to our list of Mentors. (NB there is up to 2 hours free Mentor time for this Lab).
Select a mentor from the list, by clicking on their name.  This takes you to their full profile.
At the bottom of the profile there are 3 buttons Invite Mentor, Contact Mentor and a ‘Back’ button to return the main list.

Hire a mentor comment boxIf you are interested to work with a particular Mentor, click on ‘Contact Mentor’ and you will see a message box where you can introduce yourself, give them an outline of your project and an idea of the type of end product (video, e-book, game, animation) that you think would suit your idea.
They will then tell you if they are able to work with you and we will link them to your project


Click on the group admin icon in your group page menu.

Group Admin iconsThis will take you to the group admin page where there is a  link  move into the workshop.

Group admin listNOTE you will need to choose your mentor and have them linked to your Project BEFORE you can move into the workshop

Members of your group will need to vote to move into the Workshop.  If you are working on your own you will it will happen automatically.  If you are working in a group of two or more you will enter the workshop as soon as more than 50% have voted in favour

Building your Dramatic World and Working with Your Mentor

In the Workshop your Mentor can advise you about changes they would recommend to give your Dramatic World the best chance of being chosen by one of our Lab Companies.

Dramatic World elementsWhen you and your Mentor have agreed all the different elements of your Dramatic World portfolio then the mentor can approve them for the final submission.

You are then ready to:

Submit to the Lab

Once your Mentor has approved your Dramatic World portfolio as ready for the Lab, Companies can start looking at your work.

Companies  review the Dramatic Worlds and if they like a World and think it has commercial potential for them, they can propose a project for the group to work on during the Lab.  The target start date for the Lab is 1st June.

Useful Bcre8ive Blogs

When Worlds Change’ – what happened in the last Lab

Creating Your Dramatic World

Genre issues

Dramatic Worlds – setting and themes

A Creative blog
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2 Responses to Lab Submissions: Step by Step April 2016

  1. My site is who I am.

    I have a new movie coming out in May 2016 “Test Of Our Love”

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